Acupunture for adults
Acupuncture can be used to treat many complaints including: Asthma, back pain, migraines, depression, anxiety and stress, injuries, aches and pains, menstrual problems, menopause, skin conditions, infertility and insomnia. General well being can be improved through the identification and correction of imbalances. Acupuncture is a safe treatment for all.
What is Acupuncture
Traditional Acupuncture is a health care system based on ancient principles which go back nearly two thousand years. According to traditional Chinese philosophy, our health is dependent on the body’s motivating energy – known as Qi – moving in a smooth and balanced way through a series of channels beneath the skin, called meridians.
Qi consists of equal and opposite qualities – Yin and Yang – and when these become unbalanced, illness may occur. By inserting fine needles into the meridians, I can stimulate the body’s own healing response which will help to restore its natural balance.
The aim of Acupuncture treatment is by treating the whole person to recover the balance between the physical and emotional aspects of a person.
What happens in treatement
At the initial consultation, I ask about your health problems and general medical history, as well as your diet, sleep and your general energy levels. The aim is to establish a holistic picture of your health and lifestyle. Some people present no particular health problem but are undertaking treatment to maintain their good health, and as a preventative medicine.
A treatment plan is put together which will be based around your individual needs, taking into consideration age, medical symptoms, general constitution and life circumstances.
How long should I expect to be receiving treatement
A typical course of treatment would be a weekly appointment for four weeks, progressing to fortnightly and then proceeding to long intervals as necessary. Obviously, individual cases vary, and some conditions may take longer to treat, and I will explain this at the Initial Diagnosis.